97 Nordic Conference
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Conference on the Status of Nordic Health Promotion Research: Progress during the Decade after the Ottawa Charter

Scientific Program and Abstract Book

Organised by
the Research Centre for Health Promotion,
a WHO Callobaring Center for Health Promotion and Health Education,
Faculty of Psychology, University of Bergen,
Bergen, Norway

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the Department of Public Health Sciences,
a WHO Collaboarting Center on Supportive Environments for Health,
Karolinska Institute, Sundbygerg, Sweden

August 22-24, 1996, Bergen Norway

Internet publication date: November 17, 1997

Welcome to Bergen
Conference Committees

All information is matched as closely as possible to the original printed version

General / Background

Models and Stages in Health Promotion

Conflict And Compromise In Health Promotion Research: A Quest For Illumination by Professor Keith Tones
The Concept Of Supportive Environments Strategical Tool In Health Promotion For Health by Left Svanström, Bo J A Haglund, Bosse Pettersson, Per Tillgren, Roland Anderson
Health Promotion In The Workplace by Jan Winroth, Lecturer, B.A., Doctoral student
Health Promotion - The Hidden Road To Health by Skuli G. Johnsen
WHO Collaborating Centre On Community Safety Promotion by Sundstrom Moa, Svanstrom Leif
Effect And Stage Models For Community Intervention Programmes - A Review And Presentation Of A New Model For Managing The Preparatory Stages by Bo JA Haglund, Colin Sanderson, Per Tillgren, , Henrik UIlen, Claes-Goran Ostenson, Leif Svanstrom.

Health Promotion at the Community Level

Social Networks And Exercise Adherence: A Local Intervention Project by Ulla Christensen
The Role Of Local Groups In Community Based Injury Prevention by Siv Garborg
Survey On Healthy Lifestyles And Well-Being In Iceland by Aradottir, Anna Bjorg, Project manager Jakobinudottir, Sigriour.
The process of developing goals in a cross-sectional public health program by Lena Kanstrom, Bo J A Haglund, Per Tillgren
Healthy Communities In Iceland by Aradottir, Anna Bjorg, Jakobinudottir, Sigriour

Education for Health Promotion

Education and Health Promotion: A Three Year University Programme by Marita Johanson.
A Process Oriented Method Promoting Health Promotion Work Among Personnel In A Local Health Care Centre by Ulla Holmstrom
Health Promotion And Health Care Reform In Eastern And Central Europe: Case Study Of A Capacity-Building Demonstration Program by Maurice B. Mittelmark, John Gunnar Maeland, Peter Makara, and Erio Ziglio
Teachers' Motivation For Participation In The European Network Of Health Promoting Schools by Hege Eikeland Tjomsland
Teaching Health Promotion - A Feasible Strategy For The Development Of Supportive Environments by Bo J A Haglund, Bosse Pettersson, Per Tillgren, Bjarne Jansson

Facing Different Health Problems

Who talks to family and friends about joys and sorrows? by Sogaard, Anne Johanne & Fonnebo, Vinjar
The Chain Of Events Leading To An Act Of Violence by Karin Melinder, Ragnar Andersson, Karen Leander
Who Is Afraid Of..? And Where? And Why? An Epidemiological Study On The Fear Of Violence In A Rural Area Of Sweden by Ake Lindstrom, Leif Svanstrom

Young People: Health Behaviours, Health Education

Health Behaviors Among Young Adults by Lisbet Oygard
Dimensionality Of Dental Health Behaviours by Anne Nordrehaug Astrem
Health Promotion at School by Kristina Pellmer, Ewa Adamsson
A Critical Review Of Questionnaires On Self-Esteem Used For Adolescents, And A Suggestion For A New Theoretically Based Questionnaire by Kerstin Tode, Birgitta Greitz, Bo J A Haglung
Health Education For Teenage Immigrants Preparing For Higher Secondary School Education In Skovde by Anders Lindgren

Build Healthy Public Policy

National / Regional

Four Generations Of Cardiovascular Prevention: From Clinical Preventive Medicine To The New Public Health by Charli Eriksson
The Norwegian Health Promotion Research Programme 1989-96 by Leif Edvard Aaro
Cost Of Injuries by Jansson, Bjame and Springfeldt, Bengt
The Sustainability Of A National Programme Fur Developing Local Health Promotion by John G. Maeland

Public Policy

A Moderate Alcohol Intake Is Related To Low risk Of Disability Pension by Nils-Ove Mfinsson, Lennart Rfistam, Karl-Fredrik Eriksson and Bo Israelsson
Policy Development For Health Promotion In Schools. An Analysis Of School Plans In Four Swedish Countries by Marie-Louise Taylor., Bo J A Haglund, Per Tillgren, Bo Burstrom
Equity in Health? A Vital Vision - But Not For All. An Outline Of A Research Framework For Health Promotion To Disadvantaged Groups by Per Tillgren, Bo BurstrOm, Joyce Sulusi-Sjo, Leif Svanstrom

Political / Moral Analysis of Health Promotion

The Moral Basis For The World Bank's Investing In Health by Reidar K. Lie
Violence Prevention In Transition; In Between The Punitive State And Ad Hoc Populism by Karen Leander
The Basic Issue Concerning Health Promotion: What Goal Ought It To Achieve? by Per-Erik Liss
Health Promotion, Neo-Liberalism And Multidisciplinarity A Reorganization Of The Condition Of Power And Knowledge by Petersson, K

Create Supportive Environment

Supportive Environments and the Individual

AIDS-Related Stigma, Care And Psycho-Social Health Among Aids-Patients In Northern Tanzania by Lie, Gro Therese, Biswalo, Paul M.
Measuring Aids-Related Stigma And Social Support As Experienced By Aids Patients In Northern Tanzania by Lie, Gro Therese; Biswalo, Paul M.; Aaro, Leif Edvard
Relative Strength Of Social Activity, Optimism About Personal Future And Social Norms As "Predictors" Of Young People's Alcohol Consumption. by Erik Iversen

Supportive Environments at the Community Level

Can The Public Sector Create A Supportive Environment? by Anna Swift-Johannison
What happens to the alcohol consumption in a small community when an off-licence is opened? by Anders Lindgren
Creating Supportive Environments For Health: The Process Of Establishing A Comprehensive Health Promotion Programme At The Local Level. A Case Study From Stockholm County by Bo Burstrom, Bo JA Haglund, Ragnar Andersson and Lena Kanstrom

Intervention through Schools

Students For Peace- A Multi-Component Violence Prevention Program For Youth In Houston Texas, USA: Overview And Lessons Learned In The Field by Steven H. Kelder
The need for developing strategies for suicide prevention among young lesbian women and gay men: empirical and theoretical rationales by Asle Offerdal and Norman Anderssen
Health Education In Schools - From Information To Empowerment Models by Curt Hagquist & Bengt Starrin
Promoting Healthy School Meals For Norwegian Children by Knut-lnge Klepp,, Gunn-Elin Aa. Bjorneboe, Margrete Halvorsen, Bente Wold

Psycho-Social Well-Being of Children (Schools)

Social Integration As Predictor Of Health, Wellbeing, And Health Behaviour Among Adolescents by Bjorn Holstein & Pernille Due
Social School Climate, Peer Harassment, Emotional Problems And Musculoskeletal Complaints Among Norwegian 8th Grade Students by Edvin Bru, Marit Boyesen, Elaine Munthe and Erling Roland
Small Classes, Small Problems? The Role Of Social Group Size In Psychosocial Problems Among 8th Grade Students by Marit Boyssen, Edvin Bru and Er!ing Roland
The Relationship Between Pupils' Perception Of School And Their Reported Psychosomatic Health And Quality Of Life by Samdal, Qddrun, Master degree, Wold, Bente, Dr. Psychol.

Strengthen Community Action

Community Based Studies

A Community-Based Diabetes Primary Prevention Program In Sweden - Experience From The First Year Of Intervention by Gunilia Bjaras, Claes-Goran Ostenson
Community Based Health Promotion And Prevention Of Substance Use Among Young People In Western Norway by Tone Bergan and Erik Iversen
Is Fear Of Violence An Acceptable Reason For Starting Safe Community Programs? by Ake Lindstrom, Leif Svanstrom

Injury and Safety Programs

Regional Strategies For Injury Prvention - Expiriences by Ragnar Andersson
Safe Seniors In Sundbyberg - A Local Program In A Major Urban Area by Anita Hokby, Ragnar Andersson and Siv Sadigh Andersson
Injury Prevention In Local Context by Bjom Hauger
Stockholm Injury Prevention Program - An Urban Approach To Safety Promotion by Ragnar Andersson and Leif Svanstrom

Theoretical Models and Organisation

Community Health Promotion · Concepts And Lessons From Contemporary Sociology by Oystein Nilsen
He-Naer: Health Related Community Work-Group In Vestfold. The Group. by Annett Arntzen
The Salutogenic Promotion Model For Training In Health by Lindstrom, Bengt

Special plenary session

As Time Goes By What Happens With Safe Communities? by Borge Ytterstad and Leif Svanstrom

Reorient Health Services

Health Promotion and Primary Care Workers

Is Prevention Part Of The General Practitioner's Task? Results From A Swedish Survey Of General Practitioners' Opinions by Agard Hakansson, Margareta Troein, Lennart Rastam
The Construction of Health Promotion in Homoeopathic Practice by Espen Brmthen
Doctors Attitudes And Beliefs In Health Promotion by  Lars Himmelmann
Effectiveness Of Two Preventive Interventions For Coronary Disease Risk In Primary Care by Eivind Meland, Even Laerum, Rune J Ulvik

Approaches to Lifestyle Changes in Primary Health Care

Adolescent And Family Planning Services In Finland by Riikka Potsonen, Raili Valimaa
Life Style Discourse in Primary Health Care: Talking about smoking and drinking by Ullabeth Si/tterlund Larsson, RN, Dipl Nurse Ed, Marita Johanson, Dipl Nurse Ed, Roger Siiljo and Kurt Svardsudd
Learning Health Promotion And Health Protection Through Health Dialogues With The School Nurse by  Ina K. Borup
Addressing Life Style In Primary' Health Care by Johanson, M, Larsson, U.S, Salio, R.; Svardsudd, K

Social Science Approaches

Can The Health Services Become More Holistic? by Elisabeth Fosse
An Ethnographic Approach To The Study Of Public Health Policy And Health Professions by Therese Andrews
The Health Promotive And Disease Preventive Work Of The Swedish District Nurse by Kristina Elofsson
Cultural Change In Health Promoting Organisations by Cecily Boas

Develop Personal Skills

Mass-media Campaigns

Danish Parents Attitudes And Behavior Concerning Fat In Infant Food Before And After A Public Campaign by Gert Allan Nielsen
Using Tv Drama As A Strategy For Preventing Traffic Injuries Among Adolescents by Ulrika Torell
Long-Term Attitude Changes To 'Professional Health Care Use After A Mass Media-Based Health Education Campaign by Vinjar Fonnebo and Anne Johanne Sogaard
Provocative Anti-Smoking Appeals In Mass Media Campaigns-On Adolescent Smoking Behaviour? by Hafstad Anne & Aaro Leif E

Risk Reduction

The Harstad Injury Prevention Study: Impact On Traffic Safety Awareness By A Traffic Safety Brochure Distributed To All Households In Harstad, Norway During Two Years by Borge Ytterstad
A Tobacco Prevention / Intervention Programme In The Dental Services, Skaraborg County, Sweden by Orjan Akerberg
General Information Needs To Abortion Patients by Marianne Bengtsson Agostino
Effects Of Community Based Intervention On Coffee Consumption.(The Finnmark Intervention Study) by V.F.onnebo, A.J. Sogaard

Personal Skills in Adolescence

Teacher-Rating As Predictor Of Effect Of A Smoking Prevention Program by  Ola Joesendal
Young People's View On Health And Health-Education - Some Reflections by Agneta Nilsson
Effects Of Dietary Intervention Among 8th Grade Students In Stockholm County by Wallin Eva, Bremberg Sven, Bergstrom E, Ullen Henrik, Haglund Bo JA.
Development And Evaluation Of A Theory-Based Programme Approach To Primary Alcohol Prevention Among Seventh Graders by Wilhelmsen, Britt Unni and Jon Christian Laberg
Determinants Of Mother's Injury Preventive Behaviour by Eva. Sellstrom & Sven Bremberg

Social and Psychological Perspectives

Theories About The Attitude-Behaviour Relation: Implications For Health Education by Jostein Rise
The Role Of Gender To Health Behaviour Of Adolescents by Pernille Due & Bjorn Holstein

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